Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Antoni Von Leeuwenhoek and Sperm

Hear ye, Hear ye! Come hither all ye peasants and nobles alike and open thine ears and thine eyes. I prithee thee to ponder the complexities of the scientific world that Antoni van Leeuwenhoek has bequeathed upon us! Antoni hath discovered fulsome information about how Humans, animals all things that walk and breathe reproduce! Henceforth our perception of the world shalt forever change today! We have in our midst a vicarious group that hath gone to seek the knowledge from the noble Antoni van Leeuwenhoek himself! These nobles’ art but mere proby’s of the great Antoni but hath absorbed overmany of his principles which they wish to bequeath upon to our unknowing persons in attendance. For a myriad of years, scientists from ‘round this fine earth hath seeked the truth behind human conception. Thither twas an Aristotelian theory that semen from the male specimen cometh forth to the female body and the female blood in the uterus, the coagulation, durst say, created the wee child! Our own Antoni hath reformed this position with some most noble research in the field. Antoni hath doth said that emen when collected immediately after ejaculation, hath overmany of “animalcules with long tails.” These animicules cometh and impregnate the female egg. The sperm needs the egg in order to grow and receivith nourishment inside the womb. So cometh hither all and gather ‘round to hear the findings from the probys of Antoni Himself! HUZZAH!

"Lens on Leeuwenhoek: How he made his tiny lenses." Lens on Leeuwenhoek: Welcome to the
life, times, and accomplishments of Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632 - 1723). Web. 20 Oct.
2009. .

"The process of fertilization and its stages." Pontificia Academia Pro Vita. Web. 20 Oct. 2009.


  1. This is excellent, I enjoy how this is written in an old-english style and can't wait to see what you guys are going to do for your presentation.

  2. Very well done--you appealed to me in your good use of language. Do these discoveries have any religious implications?? And is it proper to talk about such matters in mixed company??

    From a contemporary perspective--it strikes me that we are still learning about reproduction )only now, the altering, control, and genetic modification of it). Cool.

  3. I really enjoyed the way this was written! What an interesting topic...I look forward to the presentation and how everything will work out! Good luck!

  4. First off, kudos to you guys for keeping the language theme throughout the post. This is a great introduction to your presentation. I'm very curious to your approach is to teaching the class the so called "fulsome information." I expect to see sperm costumes...Especially for Jackal Ben.

  5. I think that this is very very good, not only for the information, but the fine language theme, as Joe D. has said. Hopefully you will keep this up during your presentation as well, and yes the sperm costumes should probably happen.

  6. Your presentation today got me comparing ideas of the past and the ideas we know and live by today regarding sperm and egg interactions. I find it very interesting how much there is for the imagination to wander when there is a lack of technology present to prove or disprove most of it. Some of this pictures you guys handed out in class were very interesting. One in particular that I found very neat was the one with the tiny human inside the sperm. Interesting to say the least!

  7. I was stunned by reading the bibliography, those pictures and the information originated from the 1700's. It's very interesting that the knowledge of how a child is made was known so long ago. I can only wonder how they made those drawings. Though there where microscopes that early, it still seems that the drawings were very detailed. Interesting writing style, was a nice change from a normal abstract, however it became harder to read in the later paragraphs.
