Friday, November 27, 2009

Darwin Revelation: Creationism vs Darwinism

The ideas that Darwin came up with about how everything evolved had been so revolutionary they stirred everyone. People began refusing the information Darwin was trying to convince them of and were convinced he was wrong. They wanted to continue to believe the story of Adam and Eve in the bible. Darwin transformed their views and made many people question their beliefs. This impact Darwin had over society and his community has formed into what humans know of today. People still, after all these years, pick sides on if they want to believe what they want or believe that science has all the answers.
There are many questions as to which is right and which is wrong. The truth is that there is no definite answer, and there probably never will. No one can prove creationism or even completely prove Darwinism. No one has proof that a higher power in form of a God exists and science is constantly proving itself wrong. “Science isn’t going to answer them, but science, by telling us what is there, causes us to ask these questions. It makes us go back to the seven days of creation—which is poetry, beautiful poetry, with a lesson underneath it—and say, ‘Oh, the seventh day is God resting as a way of reminding us that God doesn’t do everything.’ God built this universe but gave you and me the freedom to make choices within the universe” (Mason, Michael). If anything, science continues to add to our doubt. Science began to make people question their beliefs, and even those who continue to believe in their religion, have to fight against the people who are on science’s side.
Darwin gave an interesting definition to his idea of evolution. “’Evolution‘” in its most basic sense is a simple idea: Change through time has taken place. The universe has a history: The present is different from the past. Physical and chemical evolution include the formation of elements in the nuclear blast furnaces of evolving stars, the formation of galaxies, and the formation of star systems with planets. The earth has changed greatly in the past four billion years; the present is different from the past” (535, Appleman, Philip). He did get this fact correct, things are always changing. The beliefs of his time could differ from today, as well as today could differ from the future. Who’s to say that he found the definite answer? Somewhere down the road, other people might come up with other theories that make sense.
In the short story by Philip K. Dick titled “Tony and the Beetles,” it explains how different living creatures can be and the roles they can take. After finding out the beetles were winning the war against the humans for once, they turned against Tony. “’Get out!’” B’Prith screamed. “’Don’t come back! This is out planet!’” His claws snatched at Tony. “’We’ll tear you to pieces if you--’” (131, Dick, Philip K.). After being friends, the beetles shun Tony after the tables turn. This shows how fast people’s views can change. Along with Darwinism, so many people abandoned their beliefs leaving creationism in the dust.

The link above is to a video located on YouTube about evolution and Darwinism. It states that “people want to be their own gods” (youtube). They are saying that people who supported Darwinism wanted to be right so much that they created evidence that was not valid. They drew pictures of a human fetus in multiple stages and renaming them to be different animals to show we arrived from the same common ancestor. If these images are fraud and there is no way of proving creationism, then there is no proof for either argument. Creationism and Darwinism will remain just an argument. No one may ever know which is right, but these findings, in both situations, has been very important for human societies. They have brought up more questions, which may lead us toward to right answer in the future. Finding out where we came from didn’t end with Darwin, it only began.

Appleman, Philip. “Darwin: On Changing the Mind” in Darwin. 3rd ed. Philip appleman, ed. New Yo: W.W. Norton, 2001.rk

Dick, Philip K. The Philip K. Dick Reader, New York: Citadel Press. 1987

Mason, Michael. “How to Teach Science to the Pope.” Discover Magazine. August 18, 2008. pope

"YouTube - Creation in the 21st Century - Facts vs. Darwinism 1 of 3." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 27 Nov. 2009. .

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