Sunday, August 30, 2009


Throughout this semester, our classes studying Scientific Revolutions and Aesthetic expressions will create posts that elaborate upon course content, explore connections between disciplines, and enrich our discussions through links to outside sources such as images, articles and videos.

We hope you will approach this blog as an opportunity to show your unique perspective on the material we read and discuss, to be creative, and to personalize what we are doing in class in a way that interests and excites you.

A few things to remember:
1. You are writing for a very public audience (the world!).
2. Always annotate your blog appropriately by all citing sources and giving proper credit where credit is due.
3. Have fun.

Getting Started:
I will send an email to your Champlain address "inviting" you to blogger as an author on our blog. Once you sign up, you are ready to go.

If you need help posting, blogger can offer plenty of assistance. The general help page is found here. Information on how to post is located here. You can also find details on adding links or videos, and even directions on how to post a video from YouTube.

Important Instructions
In order to receive course credit for your blog postings, be sure to follow these instructions:
  1. Include YOUR FULL FIRST AND LAST NAME IN THE LABELS for your post. This is how we will keep track of your postings. If your name does not appear, your post will not count.
  2. Include a descriptive title.
  3. Each post MUST INCLUDE a link to outside content: an article, a blog post, video, music, etc. The content is up to you but if you do not include a link, your post will not count.
  4. Each post MUST INCLUDE proper citations for any content that is not uniquely your own. If you refer directly to course readings, you should not only indicate author and page numbers, but also a full MLA citation.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Students,

    I too want to welcome you to this blog and to Aesthetic Expressions, the class that you will take along with Scientific Revolutions. I won't be meeting with you in person until Weds.--gotta love that Weds-Fri. schedule!--but wanted to let you know that I looking forward to it. I expect we'll have some fun and learn some things as well. See you soon, rh
