Monday, September 7, 2009


As I was searching for something that involves technology I started doing what every college student gets caught up doing, one word- youtube. I totally forgot that I was looking for something specific for this blog until I found this video. It was really interesting to me to see such a short time ago, someone made this video thinking of how cool some of these non invented objects were. However, some of them already are invented and just involve really edge cutting technology that in the past people couldn't even dream of. It just goes to show how far we really have come. I mean, some of these things are so out there such as the iQuench... to be honest I don't even understand what it is. BUT :) I know with all the technology we have now and all the resources and knowledge we attain to become more knowledgable within the technological field these things really are possible. That is crazy to thing about. We have the ability to produce so much, especially things that people couldn't dream of! I'm looking forward to seeing that iQuench on the market! :)

ps. I couldn't get the link to work :(

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