Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nuclear Fear

The 20th century saw many scientific technological advances, forever changing everyday life for the modern world. One of the most influential inventions was the Atomic Bomb. Ever since the bomb’s creation and use in the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world has been plunged into constant fear of global destruction by nuclear weapons. This fear still exists today as World Powers meet to discuss the future of Iran’s nuclear status. Iran announced it is ready to discuss its "updated nuclear proposal."

“The announcement was made a day before six world powers were expected to hold high-level talks in Germany on what to do about Iran's contentious nuclear program. The West suspects the Islamic state is seeking to build bombs. Iran denies the charge.”

This situation could become very volatile if fear is allowed to consume the judgment of World Leaders, instead of logic and reasoning. Fear was used to convince the world of WMDs in Iraq, and when logic finally caught up, it was too late and a war was waged on false information.

Works Citied

Iran says ready for nuclear talks with world powers. Reuters, 1 Sept. 2009. Web. 2 Sept. 2009. .

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